The Seventh International Chrysophyte Symposium will take place during the week starting 23 June 2008 at Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut, USA.
The three to four day symposium is expected to bring together experts from around the world representing a broad spectrum of disciplines. Although the overriding theme of the symposium will focus on chrysophytes in a broad sense, we anticipate significant contributions representing allied heterokont groups and an infusion of ideas from other fields.
In addition to regular paper sessions, we are planning four mini-symposia: paleolimnology/paleobiology, taste and odor problems in drinking water, heterokont phylogeny and use of geometric-morphometric concepts in the study of algae. The symposium will include several keynote speakers who work in areas peripheral areas to chrysophyte biology, allowing for a cross fertilization of ideas. Our goal is to provide a forum to advance the study of chrysophytes.
There will be a Proceedings volume published by Cramer under the Nova Hedwigia Beiheft series.