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New editor for the Journal of Paleolimnology

Updated: Nov 27, 2018

Prof. Mark Brenner has been appointed the new Editor of the Journal of Paleolimnology.

Mark Brenner is a limnologist and paleolimnologist with special interests in tropical and subtropical lakes and watersheds. He received his undergraduate degree in Biology from Grinnell College (1973) and his MS (1978) and PhD (1983) degrees in Zoology at the University of Florida (UF), where he studied with Edward S. Deevey. Between 1983 and 2000, Mark was affiliated with UF's Florida Museum of Natural History, the Department of Soil and Water Science, and the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, where he conducted grant- and contract-supported research. In 2000, he entered a tenure-track position in UF's Department of Geological Sciences, where he is now Associate Professor. He also serves as Director of UF's interdisciplinary Land Use and Environmental Change Institute (LUECI). Mark teaches courses in Paleolimnology, Limnology, and Tropical Field Ecology, the latter a summer class taught in Yucatan, Mexico. [Mark’s homepage at UF]

Mark' paleolimnological research has addressed the broad topic of interactions among climate, environment, and humans. Specifically, he has strong interests in the areas of: 1) recent human-mediated changes in Florida lakes, 2) the historical ecology of the lowland Maya region, 3) Pleistocene/Holocene paleoclimate of the circum-Caribbean, 4) environmental history of the Bolivian Altiplano, 5) paleoecology of Yunnan Province, China, 5) the history of El Nino events, 6) 210Pb dating, and 7) biological accumulation of 226Ra. He has done fieldwork in Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, Haiti, Dominican Republic, China, Cambodia, and Florida. A list of publications is available at

Mark has been closely associated with the Journal of Paleolimnology since its inception in the 1980s as an author of 15 contributions to this journal, and I suspect has done more reviews for us than any other paleolimnologist! Mark became a member of the Journal of Paleolimnology Board of Advisors in 1992 and was appointed an Associate Editor in 1996. Amongst his other claims to fame, he is also a veteran of the 1969 Woodstock Festival!

John Smol will be working closely with Mark (as co-Editor) over the next few months. Because all Journal of Paleolimnology submissions are now web-based, the submission and editing process does not change from the author's or reviewer's perspective. It is my intention to retire as Editor, effective December 31st 2007, after which time Mark will become Editor-in-Chief.

At this time I would again like to thank Mark for accepting this position. I have no doubt whatsoever that he is an outstanding choice as Editor. I would also like to thank the editorial board for their continued support and input during this process, as well as our colleagues at Springer. Once again, I would like to acknowledge Bill Last's outstanding contributions as co-editor of the journal for 14 years. And, of course, thanks for all the support provided by our authors and referees, who continue to be the backbone of our journal.

John P. Smol Editor

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