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Interested in further study?

Places still available for 2019-20 study

MSc in Aquatic Conservation, Ecology and Restoration at UCL, UK 

We would like to draw your attention to the re-named MSc in Aquatic Conservation, Ecology and Restorationbased in the Department of Geography, University College London. The course can be taken full-time over 1 year or on a part-time basis over 2 years. Plus Diploma and Certificate options are also available. Residential field classes take place at the North Norfolk Coast, Scottish Highlands and Dorset.

The MSc combines the fields of catchment hydrology, geomorphology, ecology and palaeoecology with those of aquatic conservation and restoration and aims to gives students the fundamental interdisciplinary training necessary for a career in aquatic environmental research, consultancy and aquatic conservation. By integrating several external conservation and environmental protection agencies into fieldwork and teaching, by offering dissertation placements and through alumni involvement with the course, the MSc is constantly exposing students to careers possibilities, whilst also equipping them with key contacts.

Course highlights are as follows:

  • Transfer the most up-to-date science to urgent aquatic conservation and restoration demands

  • Learn about new and evolving approaches to aquatic conservation such as rewilding

  • Take part in residential field courses to gain practical, hands-on training with sampling and learn how to identify the aquatic species we are trying to protect, including fishes, mammals, crayfish, invertebrates, plants and birds

  • Learn how to reconstruct past aquatic environments using palaeoecological techniques and sediment core collection and analysis

  • Learn how to detect and monitor pollutants, including evolving problems such as microplastics

  • Develop key GIS, data analysis and modelling skills that will hugely increase employability

  • Learn how to set up science studies, biodiversity audits and monitoring in aquatic environments

  • Learn about evolving techniques for aquatic monitoring such as eDNA

  • Develop skills in project design and management and in best practice stakeholder engagement and citizen science methods

  • Develop a thorough understanding of the aquatic conservation scene, including the policy and legislation that supports it

and follow the course on Twitter: @MSc_aquaticUCL


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