The Paleolimnology Forum (Paleolim) is a listservice that deals with all aspects of paleolimnology. It currently has 820 members and is managed by Tom Whitmore through the University of Florida’s servers. For more information or to join the listservice, please contact Tom at
The Journal of Paleolimnology (JoPL) was launched in 1988 and remains the foremost journal concerned with all aspects of the reconstructions and interpretations of lake histories.
It is the 2nd most-cited journal in the Limnology category and has an impact factor of 2.197 (ISI Citation Report, 2005).
The Journal of Paleolimnology is published eight times per year by Springer.
Book Series
Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research - Paleoenvironmental research continues to enjoy tremendous interest and progress in the scientific community. The overall aims and scope of the Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research book series is to capture this excitement and document these developments. Volumes related to any aspect of paleoenvironmental research, encompassing any time period, are within the scope of the series.
The latest volume is Applications of Paleoenvironmental Techniques in Estuarine Studies.
PAGES Working Groups are temporary organizations that bring paleoscientists together from around the globe to target specific aspects of PAGES’ scientific agenda. They tackle broad questions that cannot be answered by a single research team but require the integration of the wider international science community.
International Association of Limnogeogology (IAL) links those who realize that the study of lake basins, both modern and ancient, is important and topical. Limnogeology is a young geoscience with a unique and valuable place among frontier research topics including paleoclimate and paleohhydrology, resources exploration (oil and gas as well as minerals and brines), environmental protection and water resource assessments. The association has had a meeting every four years since 1995, and will continue with expanded meetings that bring together IAL and the International Paleolimnology Association (IPA).